Jan O. Jeppesen Group

Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy

University  of Southern Denmark

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Teaching in Period 1994–1997 (Ms.c. student) at SDU
1994–1996: Instructor in mathematics (Mat A) for 1st year students
Odense University, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

1995–1997: Instructor in laboratory course in synthetic organic chemistry (KO03) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Chemistry

1996–1997: Instructor in laboratory course in inorganic identification (KE03lab) for 1st year students
Odense University, Department of Chemistry

Teaching in Period 1998–2001 (PhD  student) at SDU

1998: Teacher in laboratory course in organic chemistry (KO71) for 1st year students
Odense University, Department of Chemistry

1998: Instructor in organic chemistry (KO02) for 2nd year students
Odense University, Department of Chemistry

1998: Teaching assistant in advanced organic chemistry (KO31) for PhD students
Odense University, Department of Chemistry

1998: Teacher in laboratory course in synthetic organic chemistry (KO03) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Chemistry

2001: Teacher in laboratory course in synthetic organic chemistry (KO03) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Chemistry

Teaching in Period 2003–2004 (Assistant Professor) at SDU

Autumn 2003: Teacher (30 lectures + 30 tutorials) in organic chemistry (KO02) for 2nd year students
Odense University, Department of Chemistry

Spring 2004: Teacher (15 lectures + 30 tutorials) in organic chemistry (KO02) for 2nd year students
Odense University, Department of Chemistry

Autumn 2004: Teacher (30 lectures) in organic chemistry (KO02) for 2nd year students
Odense University, Department of Chemistry

Autumn 2004: Coordinating Teacher in laboratory course in synthetic organic chemistry (KO03) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Chemistry

Autumn 2004: Teacher (108 lectures) in laboratory course in synthetic organic chemistry (KO03) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Chemistry


Teaching in Period 2005–2008 (Associate Professor) at SDU

Spring 2005: Teacher (15 lectures) in organic chemistry (KO02) for 2nd year students
Odense University, Department of Chemistry

Spring 2005: Teacher (8 lectures) in heterocyclic chemistry (KO30) for master and Ph.D. students
Odense University, Department of Chemistry

Autumn 2005: Teacher (30 lectures) in organic chemistry (KO02) for 2nd year students
Odense University, Department of Chemistry

Autumn 2005: Coordinating Teacher in laboratory course in synthetic organic chemistry (KO03) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Chemistry

:Spring 2006: Teacher (30 lectures) in organic chemistry (KO02) for 2nd year students
Odense University, Department of Chemistry

Autumn 2006: Coordinating Teacher in laboratory course in synthetic organic chemistry (KO03) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Chemistry

Spring 2007: Teacher (42 lectures) in organic chemistry (KE505) for 2nd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics and Chemistry

Autumn 2007: Coordinating Teacher in laboratory course in molecular synthesis (KE506) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics and Chemistry

Spring 2008: Teacher (42 lectures) in organic chemistry (KE505) for 2nd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics and Chemistry

Teaching in Period 2008–Present (Professor) at SDU

Autumn 2008: Coordinating Teacher in laboratory course in molecular synthesis (KE506) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics and Chemistry

Autumn 2008: Teacher (10 lectures) in basic chemistry (KE501) for 1st year students
Odense University, Department of Physics and Chemistry

Spring 2009: Teacher (21 lectures) in organic chemistry (KE505) for 2nd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics and Chemistry

Autumn 2009: Coordinating Teacher in laboratory course in molecular synthesis (KE506) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics and Chemistry

Spring 2010: Teacher (30 lectures) in laboratory course in synthetic organic chemistry (KE505) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics and Chemistry

Autumn 2010: Teacher (48 lectures) in laboratory course in synthetic organic chemistry (KE506) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics and Chemistry

Autumn 2010: Teacher (34 tutorials) in basic chemistry (KE501) for 1st year students
Odense University, Department of Physics and Chemistry

Autumn 2010: Coordinating Teacher in laboratory course in molecular synthesis (KE506) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics and Chemistry

Spring 2011: Teacher (21 lectures and 6 tutorials) in heterocyclic chemistry (KE523/KE826) for 3rd and 4th year students
Odense University, Department of Physics and Chemistry

Autumn 2011: Coordinating Teacher in laboratory course in molecular synthesis (KE506) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics and Chemistry

Autumn 2011: Teacher (34 tutorials) in basic chemistry (KE501) for 1st year students
Odense University, Department of Physics and Chemistry

Spring 2012: Teacher (20 lectures and 8 tutorials) in heterocyclic chemistry (KE523/KE826) for 3rd and 4th year students
Odense University, Department of Physics and Chemistry

Autumn 2012: Coordinating Teacher in laboratory course in molecular synthesis (KE506) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy

Autumn 2012: Teacher (48 lectures) in laboratory course in synthetic organic chemistry (KE506) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy

Autumn 2012: Teacher (12 tutorials) in basic chemistry (FF503) for 1st year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy

Spring 2013: Teacher (20 lectures and 8 tutorials) in heterocyclic chemistry (KE523/KE826) for 3rd and 4th year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy

Spring 2013: Teacher (42 lectures) in organic chemistry (KE505) for 2nd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy

Autumn 2013: Coordinating Teacher in laboratory course in molecular synthesis (KE506) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy

Autumn 2013: Teacher (70 lectures) in laboratory course in synthetic organic chemistry (KE506) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy

Spring 2014: Teacher (20 lectures and 8 tutorials) in heterocyclic chemistry (KE523/KE826) for 3rd and 4th year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

Spring 2014: Teacher (42 lectures) in organic chemistry (KE505) for 2nd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

Autumn 2014: Coordinating Teacher in laboratory course in molecular synthesis (KE506) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

Autumn 2014: Teacher (48 lectures) in laboratory course in synthetic organic chemistry (KE506) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

Spring 2015: Teacher (30 lectures and 12 tutorials) in applied heterocyclic chemistry (KE523/KE826) for 3rd and 4th year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

Autumn 2015: Coordinating Teacher in laboratory course in molecular synthesis (KE506) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

Autumn 2015: Teacher (48 lectures) in laboratory course in synthetic organic chemistry (KE506) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

Spring 2016: Teacher (30 lectures and 24 tutorials) in applied heterocyclic chemistry (KE523/KE826) for 3rd and 4th year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

Autumn 2016: Teacher (72 lectures) in laboratory course in synthetic organic chemistry (KE506) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

Spring 2017: Teacher (30 lectures and 24 tutorials) in applied heterocyclic chemistry (KE523/KE826) for 3rd and 4th year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

Autumn 2017: Teacher (96 lectures) in laboratory course in synthetic organic chemistry (KE506) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

Autumn 2017Teacher (48 lectures) in organic chemical analysis and separation (KE510/KE822) for 3rd and 4th year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

Spring 2018

Teacher (30 lectures and 24 tutorials) in applied heterocyclic chemistry (KE523/KE826) for 3rd and 4th year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

Spring 2018
Teacher (36 lectures) in organic chemistry (KE505) for 2nd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

Autumn 2018
Teacher (48 lectures) in the laboratory course in synthesis (KE506) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

Spring 2019

Teacher (36 lectures + 34 tutorials) in organic chemistry (KE505) for 2nd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

Autumn 2019

Teacher (48 lectures) in the laboratory course in synthesis (KE506) for 3rd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

Spring 2020

Teacher (36 lectures + 34 tutorials) in organic chemistry (KE505) for 2nd year students
Odense University, Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmacy